Q: Is an e-newsletter important to my online marketing strategy?
A: Yes. Using this medium is both cost-effective and profitable, growing your business by increasing revenue and referrals using your existing customer base. An e-newsletter not only increases lead generation and cross-selling, but also increases the lifetime value of your customers.
Q: I own a small company and am seriously considering outdoor advertising, but it seems expensive. What results can I expect?
A: Outdoor advertising is a great media tool, but because you’re a small business, it’s not for you! There are many different types of outdoor advertising, ranging from large billboards to moving venues, to posters at bus stops. However, if you expect a direct, measurable response, think again. Outdoor advertising is a great branding and supplementary tool, but it rarely produces a direct lead response. Numerous other advertising vehicles will produce far better results. I recommend that you invest your limited advertising budget in other areas.
Q: Should my company advertise on Facebook?
A: That depends. Facebook drives consideration, awareness and attention. Facebook uses “interrupt marketing,” meaning people don’t generally see an ad and then click and convert like they would in Google. People see an ad; your brand makes an impression, and later they go to Google to search for you. That’s the consumer behavior of Facebook ads. Facebook generally does not drive click response like Google does — search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) — which is what you would hear if you asked your customers how they heard of you. Advertising on Facebook is similar to brand advertising: If you can afford it, do it as a supplement, not as a primary marketing driver.
Email your industry marketing questions to Harvey at hgpcmcinc@aol.com. Your questions may be printed and answered in one of Pest Management Professional’s upcoming Marketing Matters columns.